Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Chickens and turkeys need vitamin C for the metabolism, and this vitamin is required to add to the diet. Under normal conditions of poultry of all ages in the body can synthesize enough vitamin C to meet their needs. There were indications that in periods of very hot weather in rations for laying hens need to add vitamin C, but on this issue needs further study. Vitamin E found in corn, wheat and milling wastes in fresh and dried green fodder of good quality. The richest natural sources of oil, wheat germ. However, it is recommended to complement all the specialized feed for poultry vitamin E. Vitamin E zhirorastvorim and relatively resistant, but splits in the presence of rancid fish oil. It actually is an antioxidant and destroys itself, thus preventing the oxidation of fat. If the diet contains another antioxidant, this vitamin is saved. Vitamin E is important for maintaining the productivity of poultry and eggs, high derivability. The addition of vitamin E in foods is particularly useful for preventing and reducing fertilization derivability eggs at the end of reproductive season, which often happens in the turkey. Sufficient levels of vitamin E in the diet play a role in preventing some forms of swelling metatarsal joints and the "madness chickens", which differs loss of motor coordination.
There is evidence that vitamin E in vegetable sources less available to birds than vitamin E in fats of animal origin. It is known that some of the symptoms of avitaminosis E can be treated with selenium, the mechanism of action which is not yet completely understood. Vitamin E has also shown effects similar to the reaction of the body feeding on the sulfur-containing amino acids. Vitamin K. All the specialized feed mixtures for poultry should contain vitamin C. Typically, the diet supplement 2,5% dried grass or alfalfa quality provides a number of intake of vitamin K as needed. This vitamin is transmitted to chickens through the egg, and its function is linked with normal blood clotting. Avitaminosis K can lead to an outbreak of hemorrhagic disease of young birds. Vitamin K zhirorastvorim, resistant to heat and generally very stable. There are synthetic water-soluble form, of which the most frequently used menadione. Symptoms of avitaminosis A, evidently found only in growing birds and are not an adult. Perhaps this is because the bird in older age groups is able to synthesize enough vitamin K in the intestines. There are reports that the inclusion in the feed of some antibiotics such as sulfonamides may increase the need for vitamin C. Perhaps this is due to the effects of therapeutic drugs themselves, and perhaps from coccidiosis, against which they apply.
Vitamin C